
欢迎 back to CC from your off-campus study experience(s)!

Sometimes returning "home" is as surprising and disorienting as going away.  Whether it is a question of reverse culture shock, not feeling at home in your home, or an overpowering urge to find ways to explore the world once again, these are normal reactions to study away, and we have some resources that can help you as you navigate the new "home" you find yourself in. 


We hope the resources below are helpful.


Reverse culture shock can be a common reaction to arriving back home for students on extended study away experiences. Sometimes it is mild a feeling that on one understands the experience you had, other times you may be overwhelmed by feelings that letting your study away experience fade to the past will also cause you to lose a part of who you now are.  It can be a very real factor in how you return to "normal" back home.  Possible symptoms of RCS include:

  • Feelings of restlessness, boredom, depression, or confusion
  • A tendency to isolate yourself from the friends or family you have returned to, wanting to be alone
  • An overwhelming "reverse homesickness", 想念那些人, 的地方, or lifestyle from your study away experience.
  • Trouble aligning your post-experience goals and values with the plans you had made for your future before going abroad
  • Feelings of negativity or intolerance towards your home culture

These helpful links can help you understand and deal with the very real impact of reverse culture shock, a feeling of unease about returning home which often awaits students on semester or longer study away programming.






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报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/02/2024