Long-Term Disability

Responsible office
Human Resources
Responsible party
Vice President for People and Workplace Culture
Last revision
April 2016
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
August 2013
Effective date
August 2013
Last review
April 2016
Additional references


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


长期残疾(LTD)计划由保险公司管理,要求全职和兼职教职员工在服务一年后强制性参与.  Employees who are at least age 65 by July 1st may opt out of the LTD benefit at Open Enrollment.  如果员工选择退出有限责任公司,他们将无法在以后的日期重新注册.  如果新员工在入职后三个月内投保了前雇主的集团有限公司保险政策,提供五年或更长时间的残疾福利, the employee may participate in Colorado College’s LTD plan upon hire.  Faculty on special senior status, early retirement, or phased retirement are not eligible to participate in the LTD plan.

人力资源部负责行政监督,并为员工和主管提供公司政策/福利的总体指导, 协助员工在等待期内完成有限公司申请文件,并将完成的文件提交给保险公司. 

在保险公司批准员工的有限责任公司申请和适用的等待期结束后, 该计划提供的月收入福利相当于雇员在残疾开始时月薪的60%.  在持续残疾期间,每月将继续发放收入津贴(见团体残疾小册子中的时间表). 

An annual benefit increase provides an adjustment to the monthly income benefit.   第一次增加将在保险公司首次支付保险金之日起36个月后生效.  The increase will reflect the percentage change in the U.S. Consumer Price Index but will never be greater than 3 percent. 

Certain conditions must be met for the life insurance benefits to be continued.  The insurance carrier also may waive life insurance premiums for basic life, 雇员在残疾前选择的可选及受抚养人寿保险计划, 这些政策将在持续完全残疾期间继续有效.  The Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan does not continue during LTD.   (See group life insurance booklet)

Waiting period for LTD benefits 


  1. 180 days (six months) of continuous disability from the date of the disability; or
  2. 根据学院的补充病假计划,员工有资格并被批准领取工资的期限已满, medical-leave program or faculty-continuation agreement. 

上述方案2适用于工作少于12个月的全职雇员.  For example, 如果一名9个月的全职员工在夏季残疾,而他们通常不会为学院工作, 等待期将延长,包括员工正常休假的几周或几个月.  In such circumstances, if the college provides the employee up to six months’ paid medical leave, as approved by the president, 或根据教师工资延续协议的服务或额外工资的补充病假, the waiting period will be met upon exhaustion of available paid leave. 

Example:  An exempt staff or faculty member is on a nine-month appointment. 残疾发生在3月,学院给予6个月的带薪病假.  The paid medical leave would be for April, May, September, October, November, and December (summer not counted because the employee is not scheduled to work).  The LTD effective date, if approved, will start in January. 

Compensation provisions

经校长或指定人员批准,教职员工可申请最多六个月的带薪病假, to coincide with the waiting period.  In extraordinary circumstances, tenured faculty may request salary continuation beyond the six-month period, 但工资延续不迟于残疾发生之日起一年内终止.  非豁免工作人员可以申请最多六个月的带薪补充病假(可休假的数量取决于服务年限),以及使用应计病假和假期. 

Medical leave, benefits and employment status upon award of LTD

Upon approval of LTD, 由学院支付的健康保险计划终止,并以下列方式确定员工的状态: 

Non-exempt and exempt staff, and untenured faculty

Tenured faculty

The date of termination coincides with the LTD effective date.  如果员工在学院的服务期限很长,或者残疾预计会结束,员工将能够在有限公司生效之日起的合理短时间内重返工作岗位,则可能会有有限的例外情况.  如果雇员不符合退休条件,COBRA保险条款提供18个月.  终止雇佣的雇员只获得在职期间选择的保险计划(医疗保险), dental, vision, EAP and life conversions) for continued coverage.  If the employee is eligible for retirement, 离职雇员可以继续以退休人员的身份参加团体健康计划. 

On the LTD effective date, 终身教职员工处于无薪休假状态(LWOP),如果他们在有限公司批准之日起一年内无法返回工作岗位,则会通知教职员工,终身教职将终止.  这样的行动是必要的,以允许学院和部门聘请终身职位的替代.  如果教职员工在学院的服务期限很长,或者残疾预计会结束,教职员工将能够在LWOP期限届满后的合理短时间内重返工作岗位,校长可能会批准有限的例外情况.  If the faculty member does not return in one year, COBRA和退休福利将以与非终身雇员相同的方式提供(见上文).  Health benefit coverage will remain the same during the one-year LWOP period, 学院和员工的比例与LWOP开始前相同.


Long-term disability requires an application to The Standard Insurance Company.  The Standard determines disability for purposes of the LTD plan.



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